Oh My Word!


It has been way too long since I’ve posted…so much has happened. If you follow me on Facebook (as most of you do…) you know the jist of it…family life, church life, political life, work, volunteering…blah blah blah…that about sums it up nicely!

2013 was a year of ups and downs…if I had to assign a percentage to it I’d say it was about 50% up and sadly, 50% down…but the up’s were a huge blessing and the downs…well, they were a testing…I’d like to say that I’m a better person now because of the tests that we’ve been through, but I’m human and I have come to grasp reality…I’ll screw up again…and again…and again…but, because of the grace of God, I hope and pray that I’m learning something along the way. I think that I am, I know that my heart has been twisted and knotted in so many ways that I don’t know so He’s digging deep.

2013 brought us a first…our first family vacation! That was most definitely an up! We had the opportunity to go to Disney World and I hope to be able to go back soon. (Hopefully sooner than later!) 


Professionally, I have grown in the last couple of years in ways that I would have NEVER dreamed! I’ve had some crazy, amazing experiences. I’ve met Presidential candidates, worked for Representatives and Senatorial candidates, volunteered for causes that are close to my heart, learned radio advertising, worked for a crazy (not in a good way) lady, learned to design webpages, ran social media profiles, and networked like crazy. I’ve been a delegate to the state caucus for the Presidential primaries, had sitting State Representatives call me personally out of the blue asking for my help with their bills they are working on getting passed, worked with a non-profit and helped to start a PAC and somewhere along the way acquired a love for liberty, a passion for protecting the Constitution, and a new “family” that has been in the trenches with me every step of the way!

So, what’s on the books for 2014? Truly, only the Lord knows. Right now my focus is finding work. And a vacation…but one doesn’t come without the other. Also, my relationship with the Lord needs work…as all of ours does…I have a heartfelt desire to grow closer to Him in 2014 than ever before. I have made no resolutions. The only one I ever kept was in 2003 when I decided to stop biting my nails before my wedding. That one has lasted. I have instead made smallish goals. Most of all, I’m making a conscientious decision to choose JOY and live life to the fullest.

About jonicahope

Thankful for the redemptive blood of Jesus. Restoration is available but you have to be willing to make the hard decisions . I'm happily married with two great kids, Abby 9 years, and John Michael, 7. We've lived in Nixa for 10 years now, but I grew up in Marion/West Memphis Arkansas, and I wouldn't move back, NEVER! I'm 34 and I believe that I'm living the best time of my life. I love my family and cherish the times that we get to spend together. I love Jesus and I'm not ashamed. I'm proud to be an American and I feel that living in this great nation is a blessing and not a curse. I'm the only child and it shows. I struggle with a temper but praise God it's not as bad as it used to be. I'm learning to be teachable and pliable although some of those lessons aren't always fun. I'm learning to be a giver instead of a taker. I love to hear my children laugh and I especially love to hear them tell each other that they love each other. I'm very proud of my family and I know that I AM BLESSED!!!

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